CV på engelsk

Curriculum Vitae to Klara Lie

King Harald`s Reward-Medal in Gold, 2008 for Health-work  Local, and National and International. (Lecturing to Health-workers/non-professional/church-voluntaries/local inhabitants in Under-developed countries. International Conferences a.s.o.)


School of Nursing, Stavanger……………………………………………………………..1952-1955
School of Public Health, Oslo……………………………………………………………..1962-1962
William Rathbone College, Liverpool, UK…(Certificate in teaching ) ……1967.
Yale University, Conecticut, USA..(Course and Certificate in Drug-abuse) 1972.
Oslo University. (Psychology gr.f…Study in addition to job)…………………..1972/73
_  “ _      _ “ _     : ( Pedagogic, Gr.f., Mellon-f. + Main-part, Cand Mag.)     1973-1994
_  “  _     _  “ _    : (Cand. Polit.)        ……Study in addition to job………………..1996
Church Family-therapeutic- education, Course and Certificate ………………1974- 1976


Nurse at Rikshospitalet,Oslo (surgical- and pediatric wards)……………………..1955-1959
Oslo Department of Public Health…….Public Health Nurse in Oslo……………..1962- 1970
Oslo department of Public Health..: Drug-konsultant………………………………….1971- 1987
The Government’s department of Church-and Schools……………………………….1985
(5 materiels about prevention of Drugs, “Student at risk”, “Guidance to teachers and parents”.)
Rikshospitalet,Oslo—(Professional Counselor for Nurses.)…………………………..1987- 1996
Oslo University,School of Nursing:Lecturer: Etic, Psychology, Public Health…1996 -2006

Experience international:

Nurse at Children Memorial Hospital, Chicago, USA ………………………………….1960
Amman,Jordan…Public Health Nurse in Refugee-camp………………………………1969
Yale University, Conn. Usa-  (Course in Drug-abuse)……………………………………1972
Lecturer Yanji Univ.of Nursing, Kina. Total Health Care……………………………….2005
Lecturer to Professionals, Topic: Total Healthcare, in Shwiss, Chicago, Hong Kong, Taiwan. Manila,
Professional Counseling to local people: Mali, Coast of Ivory, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Iceland, Sweden,
3 months Uganda: Lecturing about AIDS/HIV in different schools   2008, and 2010

Author of 4 books.

1982: “Early help is dobbel help.”  Publisher: Universitetforlaget, Oslo. Revised 1998.
1999: “Professional  Counseling to Health-workers. Publisher: Oslo University, HIO.
2002: “Existential and Spiritual Care.” HiO-Publisher, Kristiansand. Revised in 2005.
2008: “Mind,Body and Spirit. Health Care for the Whole Person.” Zoe Life.Michigan USA-